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Unconventional Travel Tips

Unconventional Travel Tips

At the AirBolt, it's pretty much a non-negotiable that we would ever venture in to the great wide open without an AirBolt.  Why would we? It has everything we need in a lock: smartphone (Bluetooth) access, crowd-sourced GPS, manual backup in case of a dead phone, proximity alarms, the list goes on and on.  But what about some tips that go beyond securing your bags and luggage?  We asked our favourite travellers and AirBolt users for their best "unconventional travel tip."

Kai (Brisbane) - I always have a Pashmina.  It sounds posh but its really it's just this giant towel sized scarf in a really nice fabric.  I even have one for my manly partner in a dark charcoal colour, but for him I call it a 'Giant Scarf' and he uses his all the time too.  Its perfect as a scarf, hood, blanket, roll it up for a pillow even.  I keep one in my handbag too, even when I'm not travelling, as sometimes theatres and restaurants can get really chilly."

Grant (London) - "I carry a little travel pack of those antibacterial baby wipes.  I'm not really a germaphobe, but people always talk about how gross airplanes get.  So I wipe down my tray table, and use them after the lav.  I've even found myself wiping down tables at fast food places that look a little suss too."

Tash (Pittsburgh) - "I'm not into haggling, I HATE it.  We just don't do it here, but I also hate to get scammed.  So my tip is to just ask what is normal.  I usually book online, but always call my hotel before I stay to double check I'm still in the system.  That's when I ask what the average for taxis are, even for items I think I might want to buy if the area is famous for something.  It gives me a little more confidence and I know if I am being ripped off or not."

Megan (Nashville) - "I read on Buzzfeed once to pack a clothespin. It was suggested to use it to keep my toothbrush off the counter so it can dry out.  I use them all the time now - like when the only outlet is behind the desk or something, I can clothespin the cord on my charger so I don't have to keep searching for when it falls down.  I even used it once on this weird shutter-door on our bathroom in Bali.  It wouldn't stay shut, so I used it to wedge the door closed so I could get some privacy.  I pack a few in my makeup bag all the time now."

Do you have an unconventional or weird travel tip you want to share? Let us know!

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